
Human answers to digital challenges

Welcome to elaboratum. We are redefining digital consulting. With a consistent focus on the people behind every decision, we guide your digital project to success. That’s why leading companies in the digital business have trusted us for over 12 years.

Logo O2
Logo Flatex
Logo Helvetia
Logo Birkenstock
Logo Ferrero
Logo Hagebau
Logo PhoenixContact
Logo Telekom
Logo Carglass
Zwei elaboratum Mitarbeitende im Gespräch

Our conviction

Relation­ships are the key success factory for your digital project. Because your customers, your prospects, and your employees have one thing in common: they are people.

To reach people and be successful in the digital world, you need the best expertise in technology, data management, and behav­ioral science.

Discover what we can achieve together.


successful projects (and one failed, feel free to ask)


years of digital experience, and it keeps growing every year 😉


passionate people (and 4 dogs)

Auszeichnung Top Consultant 2024

Recog­nized as Top Consultant 2024

Kununu Top Company 2024 Siegel

Awarded by Kununu as Top Company 2024

Great Place to Work Siegel

Recog­nized as Great Place to Work 2024

Relationship Commerce

Relation­ships: The new currency in digital business

Data strategy, marketing technology and psychology are merging into one disci­pline: relationship commerce is the new strategic mindset for the digital success of the future.
Joachim Stalph

Joachim Stalph

Managing Partner


Focus indus­tries

Born digital.
At home in all indus­tries.

Because people make decisions every­where and companies face similar growth challenges, we can apply our insights, skills, and consulting methods almost univer­sally in the digital business. We do this partic­u­larly often in our four focus indus­tries.

E‑commerce: retail & manufac­turing

E‑commerce is in our DNA. Founded in 2010 as one of the first consulting firms with a clear digital focus, elaboratum has helped over 100 ambitious manufac­turers and retailers optimize and scale their digital businesses. Whether it’s cross-channel processes, tech stack, data management, shopping UX or reducing returns — give us a call.

Logo Marc O'Polo Logo Melitta Logo Carglass Logo Fressnapf Logo Sport Schuster Logo Haix Logo 1. FC Köln Logo Birkenstock Logo Hagebau Logo Ferrero Logo Deuter Logo Salewa Logo Ortlieb Logo Ortovox
Insurance & insurtech

Our mission in our projects for insurance companies is to present complex products online in a simple way and to sell them effec­tively. We are proud to have worked with many influ­ential companies over the years. Top topics in this industry include effective customer journeys, digital excel­lence, data management, person­al­ization, product design and presen­tation, and customer portals.

Logo ERGO Logo DA Direkt Logo Lemonade Logo Ottnova Logo Helvetia Logo Zurich Logo VKB Logo DEVK Logo CosmosDirekt Logo Smile Logo SDK Logo Die Mobiliar Logo AON Logo Alte Leipziger
Banking, finance & fintech

A fast-paced, technology-driven business with a strong depen­dence on macro trends and highly demanding customers – finance makes our eyes shine! Whether it’s online brokers, tradi­tional or digital banks, fintech, or payment providers, we help develop perfect journeys and products, streamline processes, and turn customers into fans.

Logo Flatex Logo Raisin Logo Vanguard Logo Degiro comdirect Logo Logo KFW Logo Teambank Logo Wüstenrot Logo Deutsche Bank Logo UBS

A commodity market that only functions based on price? Far from it – the telco business is so much more. In an oligopoly, the details make the difference: Which checkout provides the perfect experience? Which provider has the best digital commu­ni­cation channels? Who excels in on-site and off-site person­al­ization? Who can differ­en­tiate themselves from the compe­tition through agile, test-based approaches? We help win the tough battle for customer favor.

Logo O2 Logo Telekom Logo 1&1 Logo Swisscom Logo Sunrise Logo Tchibo Mobil Logo blau.de Logo Curved Logo Telefonica

And many more: energy providers, indus­trial sector, public author­ities, digital services, education, pharma­ceu­ticals, automotive – reach out to us.

Board of Advisors

Inspired by thoughts leaders.

We work with the brightest and most successful leaders in the digital economy. Our board of advisors ensures that your project gets a head start.

Dr. Mirko Caspar
Co-CEO, Mister Spex
Ulrich Hafen­bradl
Co-Founder und Chairman of the Super­visory Board, Trusted Shops
Miriam Wirsing
Vice President Portals, Telefónica Germany
Fabian Frank
Fabian Frank
Global Head of Digital Sales and Marketing, Allianz SE
Nam Hoang Dong
Group Director IIT Customer Inter­action, Aldi Digital Services GmbH
Martin Esslinger
Managing Director, Ortlieb Sportar­tikel GmbH
Thorsten Heckrath-Rose
Managing Director, Rose Bikes
Lasse Giese
CEO and Co-Founder, CRU GmbH
Thomas Bergmann
Director Technology, Telefónica Germany
Philipp Rauschnabel
Prof. Dr. Philipp Rauschnabel
Professor and expert for Augmented Reality, Univer­sität der Bundeswehr München
David Rost
Founder & CEO, Investor, MYTY Group
Dr. Kai Hudetz
Managing Director, IFH Köln
Philipp Singer
Chief Commercial Officer, reBuy reCom­merce GmbH
Burkhard Henn
Chief Marketing Officer, Raisin
Otto Eichhorn
Managing Director, Martin Bauer Group
Claudia Lehmann
Prof. Dr. Claudia Lehmann
Managing Director and Professor for Digital Innovation, JOSEPHS & HHL Leipzig
Stephan Hong
SVP eCommerce, Sixt
Stefan Lein
Stefan Lein
Director Digital First, Google
Sandra Kölbl
Sandra Kölbl
Head of Marketing, Direct Sales & Business Dev., ADAC Versicherung


Sustain­ability in our DNA

Since the founding of elaboratum, sustain­ability has been a driving force for us. Since 2020, we have even offset more than 10% of the emissions we generate. We bring these skills to our consulting projects and support companies in devel­oping their sustain­ability strategies and sustainable products, in avoiding returns or in commu­ni­cating sustain­ability inter­nally and exter­nally — always with the goal of not giving green­washing a chance. Our strategic goal is to make every project a sustain­ability project.

Our sustainability partnerships, networks and awards


Our partner­ships, networks and awards in sustain­ability

Fußabdruck aus Blättern

Status quo

We report on our Carbon Footprint 2022

Positerra Logo


Regional and personal – our compen­sation partner Positerra

Cover Die Psychologie der Retoure


Studies on digital sustain­ability at elaboratum