

Step by step to digitalbest practice

With hundreds of digital projects under our belt, we know that strategy, design, and imple­men­tation support must go hand-in-hand for digital consulting to deliver superior results. Learn more about the consulting services that can help you become a digital best practice.

Übersicht über elaboratums Leistungenelaboratums Leistungen gliedern sich in die drei Bereiche Strategie, Konzept und Realisierung mit jeweils drei Leistungsbausteinen.


Customer-focused Digital Strategy

The (digital) world is constantly changing. With the right strategy, new oppor­tu­nities arise every day.

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Organi­za­tional Devel­opment

The power comes from your organi­zation. For effec­tiveness, efficiency and enthu­siasm!

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Behav­ioral Product & Price Design

Compelling digital products and their price points are the big levers of digital success.

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Customer Research

Without the right measurement, no insight and no struc­tured optimization.

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Customer Journey Konzeption & UX

Excellent customer journeys decide who wins the battle for customers.

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Conver­sa­tional AI & Chatbots

Scaling of dialog processes and automated top consulting are already possible today.

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Business Processes & Technology

The path to a future-proof tech stack and a scalable system landscape is via optimized business processes.

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CRM & Data-Driven Marketing

Data strategy and data activation are the basis of sustainable customer relation­ships.

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Imple­men­tation Support and Interim Management

Value is created in imple­men­tation – with the right drivers and project management methods.

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Let’s get down to business

Rainer, what does really matter?

After >1,000 projects for >350 customers, we know the real success factors in digital business: scalable technologies, a meaningful database and behav­ioral insights for true user under­standing. Whoever masters this wins the game.
Rainer Volland

Rainer Volland

Managing Partner

Venn diagram with technology, data and behavioral design