CRM & Data Driven Marketing

CRM & Data driven Marketing

No customer relationship without data

Take the initiative now: Build strong customer relation­ships and retention by creating and lever­aging a solid data foundation!

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elaboratum Mitarbeitende arbeiten gemeinsam an einem Tisch

Our Promise

Technology, legis­lation, and customer behavior are changing dramat­i­cally, and digital customer engagement is suffering. We help you to build strong customer relation­ships – now more than ever. Our goal is to o take your business to the next level with modern technology and data analytics.

Datenstrom, der sich konsolidiert


Data chaos! What does a successful data strategy look like today?

Customer project

Person­al­ization strategies based on first party data

Deep Dive

Our services in detail

Survey and classi­fi­cation of the data maturity

Inventory of the current situation with regard to technology setup, data management, data processing and data activation as well as gap analysis to a jointly defined target picture as the basis for an action roadmap.

Estab­lishing a solid data foundation for opera­tional­ization and data activation

Building 360-degree profiles (golden records) is the foundation for building long-term customer relation­ships. Only when all knowledge about individual customers is centrally aggre­gated, processed, and prepared for activation can companies success­fully address customer needs in digital business.

Opera­tional­ization, struc­turing, prior­i­ti­zation & imple­men­tation of use cases along the customer journey funnel

Develop audience-specific activation strategies and test them with on- and off-site use cases.

Devel­opment of vision, target image and strategy for building long-term and sustainable customer relation­ships

Devel­oping and describing a clear vision and roadmap of how an organi­zation wants to manage its customer relation­ships in the future and how to achieve it. The goal of building long-term, sustainable customer relation­ships is to create a strong bond with customers based on trust, loyalty, and satis­faction.

Execution of a neutral system and service provider selection

The selection of new customer-facing systems and service providers (e.g. CRM) is an important process to ensure that the company chooses the best technical solution and service provider for its needs. We help our clients conduct an objective and auditable evalu­ation of different systems and service providers to select the best option for their specific business model and processes.

Our Aspiration

We don’t like to talk about ourselves. But our customers do.

Rainer Schennach

“elaboratum was able to show a very strong knowledge in the legal area as well as in the tool and data area. Also humanly a clear recom­men­dation from me.”

Rainer Schennach
Head of Omni-Channel Customer Intel­li­gence, ADAC SE
Eddy Perner

“Finding the right CRM agency requires carefully recorded require­ments, extensive market knowledge, clear briefings and a struc­tured decision-making process. The elaboratum team supported us signif­i­cantly with a high level of commitment.”

Eddy Perner
Head of Consumer Engagement Program, Ferrero Deutschland GmbH

Let’s get down to business

Rainer, what does really matter?

After >1,000 projects for >350 customers, we know the real success factors in digital business: scalable technologies, a meaningful database and behav­ioral insights for true user under­standing. Whoever masters this wins the game.
Rainer Volland

Rainer Volland

Managing Partner
