Relationship Commerce

Rethinking Customer Relation­ships

Data Strategy meets Technology and Psychology: The Era of Relationship Commerce

Say “Goodbye” to E‑Commerce and “Hello” to R‑Commerce – the future of digital marketing and sales! It’s time for a new mindset for the digital business: intel­ligent, dynamic, relationship-oriented. Time for “R(elationship)-Commerce.

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The harsh reality

Why can’t we continue to do digital marketing the way we’ve always done it?

Visualisierung Technologie


The End of 3rd-Party Cookies

Google Chrome, as the last browser, will soon cease support for third-party cookies. This marks the end of current tracking options and bids farewell to signif­icant areas of modern marketing, including re-targeting. As a result, companies must find innov­ative ways to engage existing and poten­tially new customers effec­tively with meaningful content.

Zwei Menschen schütteln sich die Hände


GDPR, TTDSG, and More

The legal require­ments, especially through GDPR and TTDSG, increas­ingly restrict options for data collection, processing, and storage. Therefore, the need to implement technical solutions that counteract data loss while improving the quality of the remaining data is growing

Mann sitzt ratlos vor Laptop

Consumer Behavior

Privacy Awareness is Increasing

For years, customers have been increas­ingly informed and have a growing awareness of data privacy. Many now use ad blockers or tools to delete browser data. This creates a paradoxical situation for companies: on one hand, the desire for person­alized user experi­ences, and on the other hand, a decreasing willingness to share the data required for them.

Pfeil nach rechts

Flight forward:

The trans­for­mation into a relationship-oriented company saves long-term success.

Our promise

The long-held dream of the 360-degree view of customers becomes a reality. For effective, positive, and sustainable customer relation­ships, we are finally breaking down the silos between data, technology, and marketing.

Book (in German)

R‑Commerce: How Tomorrow’s Digital Champions Build Real Customer Relation­ships with New Data Strategies

Article (in German)

DWH, DMP, DSP, CDP, MfG, OMG & WTF — Lost in the Forest of MarTech Tools

Article (in German)

UTIQ Replaces 3rd Party Cookies: A Must-Have in a Cookieless World?

Article (in German)

Hello GDPR, Goodbye Data?

Data Strategy

High-quality, relevant, customer-centric, and cross-channel data foundation


Scalable, real-time capable archi­tecture organized around centrally orches­trated customer data


Behav­ioral design as the basis for needs-based and trust-building customer experi­ences

Visualization of the interaction of data strategy, technology & psychology

The 5 Paradigms

What defines Relationship Commerce?

Icon für Kundenfokus

True Customer-Centricity

Decisions are crucial for a company’s success, so it’s essential to accurately capture their devel­opment process — this is where data-driven ‘customer-centricity’ comes in to establish a solid foundation for relation­ships.

Icon für Datenbasiertes Handeln

Data-Driven Actions

Fully harness the potential of data analysis and create effective, value-added solutions — without intel­ligent data utilization, there is no increased relevance in customer commu­ni­cation.

Icon Moment-getriebener Dialog

Moment-Driven Dialogue

Standardized customer journeys are a thing of the past. They are now dynamic and tailored to specific touch­points. Moment-Driven Marketing enables person­alized commu­ni­cation that aligns with real-time needs.

Icon für nachhaltige Beziehungen


Relation­ships require trust to develop over the long term and sustainably. This promotes higher efficiency, improved data privacy, knowledge building, innovation, and the realization of revenue potential.

Icon für Privacy first

Privacy first

Companies can build trust with customers by handling collected data respect­fully and according to their needs, reducing skepticism, with privacy being the top priority

Services in Detail

Relationship Commerce as a Strategic Trans­for­mation

R-Commerce layer model
Organi­zation & Processes

True customer-centricity requires an organi­zation that not only enables it but actively promotes it. Instead of a siloed approach and individual handling of functions, cross-functional collab­o­ration throughout the entire customer journey takes center stage. The focus is always on improving customer relation­ships. Agility and team autonomy are essential to quickly respond to changing customer needs and environ­mental factors.

Systems & Tools

Modern, relationship-centered marketing is incon­ceivable without the use of technology. However, the challenge lies in the increas­ingly complex landscape of systems and tools. To ensure a holistic, unified, and real-time view of your customers, careful selection of suitable tools and their seamless integration is essential.

Data & Analytics

Systems and tools provide the technical foundation, but the existing data still needs to be organized, analyzed, under­stood, and contex­tu­alized. This is where Customer Intel­li­gence comes into play: it involves gener­ating deep insights into your customer base, segmenting it into different customer groups, and using these insights for targeted customer engagement.

Trust Archi­tecture

Even a state-of-the-art technology stack and scalable real-time data, along with clearly defined customer segments, do not on their own create a sustainable customer relationship. The key here is trust. Trust archi­tecture system­at­i­cally and needs-based utilizes trust mecha­nisms along your individual customer journey to contin­u­ously justify, strengthen, and sustainably nurture the trust of your customers.

Customer Activation through Behav­ioral Design

Every customer touch­point — whether digital, analog, or at the point of sale — is the vehicle for the perceived experience and reflects the result of the inter­action of all levels. This is where the customer relationship manifests itself. The person­alized design of these touch­points requires a deep under­standing of human decision-making and behav­ioral patterns. Behav­ioral Design trans­lates this under­standing into UX measures that will delight your customers.

How we work and what matters to us

What can elaboratum do for me?

Let’s get down to business

Joachim, why is “Relationship-Commerce” more important than ever?

In the trans­for­mation from E‑Commerce to R(elationship)-Commerce, the combi­nation of data and behav­ioral psychology is essential for building sustainable customer relation­ships.
Joachim Stalph

Joachim Stalph

Managing Partner

Visualization: How a relationship-oriented company works
Visualization: How a relationship-oriented company works