Organi­za­tional Design

Organi­za­tional Design

Make your organi­zation user-centric — with – with organi­za­tional design

Human-centered design is our mantra for organi­za­tional devel­opment — and thus the key to successful digital and agile trans­for­mation with enhanced team perfor­mance.

Logo KFW
Logo PhoenixContact
Logo Helvetia
Logo Allianz
Logo Sigel
Logo Thalia
Logo Unicef
Tisch mit Post-its

Our Promise

Organi­za­tional design is about removing bottle­necks and building bridges – pragmat­i­cally, empathet­i­cally, profes­sionally, and at eye level. We help you foster cross-functional team collab­o­ration to build a customer-centric and agile organi­zation.

Team bei Ideenfindung am Flipchart

Client project

+170% produc­tivity with content production agilization at Allianz

Hand, die ein Glas mit Münzen hält. Darüber in Herz.

Client project

Estab­lishing an agile fundraising organi­zation

Weltall mit Blick auf die Erde

Client project

Process optimization and team enablement

Deep Dive

Our services in detail

Break down organi­za­tional silos, rigid hierar­chies, and account­ability mindsets

In matrix organi­za­tions, we often find that roles and respon­si­bil­ities are unclear, and there is a lack of real commitment and purpose. Together with your employees, we uncover typical problems such as low trust and lack of goal orien­tation. We work with you to develop new, agile models of collab­o­ration and establish methods for monitoring goals, such as OKRs.

Accompany the intro­duction of a new software solution

Imple­menting new systems always involves a process of change. Old ways of working are challenged and new ones must be estab­lished. Above all, the accep­tance of the new software by all employees is decisive for the success of a new intro­duction. We accompany this process — depending on your needs — from the initial require­ments analysis to training and documen­tation.

Set up sales organi­zation more digitally

Sales is built on trust and relation­ships. There is often a fear that digital­izing sales will disrupt that trust. We work with your sales team to identify the tools, processes, and methods that will help you keep pace with market dynamics. In the process, we establish new approaches and ways of thinking, build meaningful target management, and create awareness of real customer needs.

Build and apply Agile methods and mindset pragmat­i­cally

“We need to be agile now”. We say: Every­thing can – nothing has to. Not every organi­zation is ready for a Spotify model, and not every project needs to be strictly SCRUM. We introduce your teams to the benefits of an agile and user-centric way of working. We work with you to find out which methods will help you to empower your teams and how a mindset change can be successful. Our agile coaches and certified product owners will also support you in the project if needed.

Establish user-centered way of thinking and working

Customer experience and customer centricity are more than just buzzwords. We train your employees in user-centered working methods such as design thinking and behav­ioral design, and provide hands-on project support. At the end of the day, it is the customer’s decisions that determine your success. This can only be achieved if everyone is on the same page.

TrustAr­chi­tecture: system­at­i­cally building more trust in the company

Trust in the skills and expertise of your people and the integrity of your leadership is the foundation of your organization’s success. We help you to system­at­i­cally develop and implement solutions that build trust among employees and customers in your brand and company. Using the 10 dimen­sions of Prof. Dr. Eric Eller’s “TrustAr­chi­tecture” method­ology, we analyze your current level of trust — perhaps even with the author himself. On this basis, we develop new forms of cooper­ation and a customer-oriented attitude that promotes commitment, mutual respon­si­bility, goal orien­tation and a sense of purpose.

Our Aspiration

We don’t like to talk about ourselves. But our customers do.

Sierk Conradi

“Designing an accepted department vision and strategy roadmap was a major highlight of the collab­o­ration.”

Sierk Conradi
Digital Marketing and Corporate Commu­ni­ca­tions, KFW
Joachim Roth

“elaboratum provided essential support to Sigel in one of the most important trans­for­mation projects: digital customer-centric marketing.”

Dr. Joachim Roth
Managing Director, Sigel GmbH

“Agile ways of working with elaboratum have enabled us to achieve a measurable increase in produc­tivity of up to 170%.”

Philipp Jäckel
Head of Digital Sales, Allianz

In one sentence

Organi­za­tions are only human, too.

100 % of employees are people. 100 % of customers are people. 100 % of investors are people. If you don‘t under­stand people, you don‘t under­stand business.
Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek

Author and Management Consultant