Imple­men­tation Support and Interim Management

Imple­men­tation Support and Interim Management

A shortage of experi­enced digital profes­sionals? Over.

Top people for your digital projects: Project manager, PO, PMO, business analyst and many more. We offer you the best experts & digital consul­tants as interim staff or as part of project assign­ments.

Logo GLS
Logo Union Investment
Logo AXA
Logo Sunrise
Logo Lusini
Vier Mitarbeitende von elaboratum bei einem Vortrag

Our Promise

Guaranteed success: Fast, flexible, straight­forward. You tell us your challenges and require­ments, and we will provide you with the right people. Specialists for e‑commerce, omnichannel, technology, data strategy or conception with appli­cation in management, product, sales, service or IT: We have the right profiles.

Client project

Right hand of the Executive Board and Head of Digital Trans­for­mation

Client project

Successful roll-out of a modern business customer portal

Platzhalter-Logo DAX Konzern

Client project

Successful person­alized customer targeting leads to increased marketing effec­tiveness

Logo CosmosDirekt

Client project

Trans­for­mation of Cosmos­Direkt into an online-centric direct insurer

Deep Dive

Our services in detail

Project management of complex digital projects

Many of our clients’ projects are highly complex due to their inter­na­tional nature, cross-functional scope, or technology inter­faces that require specialized expertise. We provide experi­enced project managers to ensure that such digital projects can be completed on time, on quality, and on budget (which is by no means a given, as a glance to the right and left shows).

Strategic sparring partners for C‑levels

To ensure that current trends, technologies and market require­ments are fully taken into account, many board members appre­ciate having a competent sparring partner at their side. This role can range from strategic support and “right hand” to peer consulting. We will work with you to find the right setup for this trusted role.

Estab­lishment and interim management of teams and depart­ments

Organi­za­tions are constantly changing. When the decision is made to build internal compe­tencies in a new area, the right experts are often not available at the beginning. We fill the gap by providing highly skilled and management experi­enced consul­tants who lay the foundation for the effective and smooth integration of new teams and depart­ments into the organi­zation.

Internal disruptor

When changes in the business model or operating model are desired, such disrup­tions can rarely be solved exclu­sively by internal teams, which are usually heavily influ­enced by the past and are slow to react. In such cases, someone is needed who can act as a quasi-internal disruptor, providing the right impetus from the market and demon­strating that the desired changes are feasible within the organi­zation.

Let’s get down to business

Rainer, what does really matter?

After >1,000 projects for >350 customers, we know the real success factors in digital business: scalable technologies, a meaningful database and behav­ioral insights for true user under­standing. Whoever masters this wins the game.
Rainer Volland

Rainer Volland

Managing Partner
