Customer-oriented digital strategy

Customer-oriented digital strategy

Here comes your digital masterplan

From brain­storming to MVP: We develop your imple­men­tation-oriented 360° digital strategy. Our customer-centric digital strategies improve customer experience, increase loyalty and leverage appro­priate technologies for person­alized inter­ac­tions — whether digital-only or cross-channel.

Logo Birkenstock
Logo Melitta
Logo 1. FC Köln
Logo Marc O'Polo
Logo Telefonica
Logo Cosmos Direkt
elaboratum Mitarbeitende am Flipchart

Our Promise

Your strategy is the anchor that guides all digital activity. Our strength: We under­stand how strategies work in practice. For consistent customer focus and successful devel­opment.

Avoury Teemaschine von Melitta

Customer project

Strategic planning and imple­men­tation support for the launch of the brand „Avoury. The Tea“ by Melitta.

Schuhe von Birkenstock

Customer project

Growth strategy for the European e‑commerce market

Helvetia Bürokomplex

Customer project

Redef­i­n­ition of a compre­hensive sales strategy with a focus on omnichannel capabil­ities

Vier Mitarbeitende des Irseer Kreis

Customer project

Digital strategy and change coaching for an inclusive company

Deep Dive

Our services in detail

Digital vision before digital strategy

An effective digital strategy cannot be planned on a drawing board. It must be built in the hearts and minds of the people involved. That’s why our first step is to hold intensive workshops to get everyone on the same page. The clearer this vision is and the more consis­tently it is supported by those involved, the easier it will be to implement and change.

Analysis of status quo & strengths/​​weaknesses profile

The second important step is a thorough analysis of your company’s current business processes, digital infra­structure, and compet­itive landscape. Both internal and external factors are considered. This step reveals the size of the gap to the digital vision and the need for change.

Devel­opment of strategic planning and defin­ition of objec­tives

The digital vision provides the framework for deriving clear objec­tives to be achieved through the digital strategy. The actual digital strategy is then developed based on the analysis and defined goals. The strategy includes a detailed action plan and is developed itera­tively with you over several rounds.

Opera­tional­ization and strategic monitoring

elaboratum does not stand for strategies that end up in a drawer. We stay on board until the digital strategy is properly opera­tionalized and the organi­zation begins to embrace the change process. In consul­tation with you, we help management (or partic­u­larly challenged opera­tional teams) stay the course and make smart adjust­ments as needed.

Let’s get down to business

Rainer, what does really matter?

After >1,000 projects for >350 customers, we know the real success factors in digital business: scalable technologies, a meaningful database and behav­ioral insights for true user under­standing. Whoever masters this wins the game.
Rainer Volland

Rainer Volland

Managing Partner
