Behav­ioral Product & Price Design

Behav­ioral Product & Price Design

Rethinking digital pricing and digital product design

The two most important elements of the marketing mix — product and price — are rethought with behav­ioral science. For prices you can’t resist and for products you have to love.

Logo Flatex
Logo Smile
Logo Helvetia
Logo Swisscom
Logo Degiro
Team mit freut sich und streckt die Hände in die Luft

Our Promise

Where others derive price from cost, we under­stand its psycho­logical impact. Where others discount products, we ensure value for money and effective appeal.

Flatex App Screenshot

Client project

From trading platform to one-stop shop for digital invest­ments

Mann am Smartphone mit Kind im Hintergrund

Client project

Price design is every­thing for commodity suppliers

Telefonierender Mitarbeiter vor Monitor

Client project

Price adjust­ments as a growth tool without surprises

Vier Menschen auf Fahrrädern im Wald

Research project

Product design for sustainable insur­ances

Deep Dive

Our services in detail

Strategic foresight and product­d­Dis­covery

We use strategic foresight methods to identify data-based trends and evaluate them creatively and induc­tively. In this way, struc­tural or exponential changes can be identified before they leave their mark on the “now”. This is where “product discovery” comes in: The discovery journey helps to validate digital product potential in the form of proto­types in a user-centric manner. In this way, we substan­tially reduce market launch risks and provide a reliable planning basis. Because the future does not have to remain a surprise.

Behav­ioral product design

Digital products are at the core of the value propo­sition for many of our clients. Behav­ioral economics methods such as PsyCon­version® enable us to design products that are precisely tailored to people’s needs and behav­ioral goals. This results in digital offerings that not only perform signif­i­cantly better, but more impor­tantly, can change users’ behavior for the better. The positive effects can include better money management, more sustainable lifestyles and protection against existential risks.

Behav­ioral pricing

Why do we buy one product for €10, but not another for €7 EUR plus €3 shipping? Price perception is not rational, and neither is buying behavior. That’s why our 20-person Behav­ioral Design unit uses behav­ioral economics insights to define and commu­nicate price points in a way that minimizes payment pain. Other appli­ca­tions include smart retirement products or the devel­opment of differ­en­tiated pricing models, for example for B2B customers of different sizes.

Let’s get down to business

Rainer, what does really matter?

After >1,000 projects for >350 customers, we know the real success factors in digital business: scalable technologies, a meaningful database and behav­ioral insights for true user under­standing. Whoever masters this wins the game.
Rainer Volland

Rainer Volland

Managing Partner
